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View articles and use cases pertaining to our services.


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Teaming with Somerset, MA!

We're excited to team with Somerset, MA on a new data collection project!

The Importance of Knowing Your Audience

Communication works best when you know your audience and can cut through the noise.

Getting Rid of Paper - A Path To A More Efficient Assessor's Office

Transforming a paper-based assessing process to one that is electronic requires planning and foresight. We outline the challenges and offer an example of what works.

Novel Methods For Supplementing Your Budget

How can assessors get supplemental funding to invest in their departments? We look at two options.

LiDAR - A Brief Introduction

LiDAR technology and its rich data have been available since the '60s. How can assessors leverage this innovative technology?

Bias - The Bane of Tax Assessors

Bias in sales and property data is scourge to fair and equitable valuations. Learn how to combat it.

Residential Property Taxes in the United Kingdom

The first in an upcoming series of articles by CIDARE to outline and explain different property taxes systems throughout the world. We hope to pique your curiosity to learn more!

CIDARE Wins Quincy, MA Web Development Project

The City of Quincy Assessors' Office understands that web technology enables better information and better customer service.

The Art of the Ask - Getting Your Budget

You have ideas to improve your department. Now you need some money. Here's an approach to getting funded.

Build It or Buy It - Options for CAMA

Custom CAMA software or off-the-shelf software from a vendor - what to consider when choosing a new CAMA system.

Social Media - The Assessor's Secret Weapon

Social media is prevalent in people's lives. To reach taxpayers, assessors need to become masters of using social media.

Operating Big When You're Small

A small property tax jurisdiction operates like a much larger jurisdiction through focus, collaboration, and creativity.

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